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Adult Sexual Satisfaction

Writer's picture: Robert Taylor, Jr.Robert Taylor, Jr.

This one is for the true adults that know the difference between busting a nut and being sexually satisfied by your spouse or partner. For anyone asking already what the difference is, this one is already over your heads and you're not mentally there yet, but don't worry I'm going to do my best to get you caught up on this adult gratification that will send your mind, body and soul to new heights. Let's keep it all the way one hundred, from your teenage years you have only been taught that sex felt good and as men we wanted to conquer all the coochie we could. The women would fall in love because he was handsome, popular and he wanted only you. We fell in love with the looks and the fact that we could hit it anytime we want, because hey that's my lady and that's my man! It also felt really good, and it made us think that we were grown! That was young love in a nutshell. Some older adults still believe that this still remains true, and in a way it is.

As you get older, and you experience all that life has thrown your way in the ways of failed relationships, relationship books and conferences, relationship therapist and friends that don't have a clue of what they speak some of us began to learn what it is to truly be in a meaningful relationship. We discover that most of all the things we learned as young adults were so far from the truth. For instance, there are women who use their sex as a means to make a man commit to them and if he doesn't, she takes the sex away as a means of punishment. These types of women usually experience failed relationships, their man cheating on them or he just breaks the relationship off completely. You see you can't use your sex as a weapon or as a tool for control with grown men. Once you commit to being in a healthy and loving relationship with the goals of being in this thing forever, you know till death do you part then you have to be completely honest with yourselves and your guy. When you commit to a relationship the word "NO" should be deleted from your sexual conversations period. A real woman knows that she is to satisfy her man if she wants to make him happy, keep him in love and in turn keep herself happy and in love mentally, physically and emotionally! She realizes that those sexual tricks she was doing to land him is the same things you have to continue to do and as times go on you guys should be so in tune that you want each other the same. Every time you come around each other you should smile, you should be thanking God that this person that is standing here in front of me is everything I have ever wanted and desired to be with. These are the ones that have the greatest sex lives because they are comfortable sharing their bodies with one another, they can be honest with each other and can share their intimate thoughts with one another and in many cases make them come true. If you come into the relationship thinking you are the only prize and everything should be catered and centered around you, you have already failed. You see the prize is the both of you and he is to cater to you and you to him. Don't no real adult care about how fine you are, if you are selfish, you probably end up alone in this thing called life.

As you get older you realize that it isn't all about you! You don't get your way, so you stop giving him head. You start saying no a lot more when it comes to sex and the things he enjoys doing to satisfy you, you don't like. You want to be in total control and that is fine, you can be that, but you are going to be that by yourself. You see as much as you want to believe that you're the best at what you do, you have to realize that there is always someone out there that is better than you and there is always someone out there that won't say no! Adult sexual satisfaction is a coming together of the soul, the spirit, the mental accumulation of honesty and an open physical love that doesn't know the word I. The physical bond between the two of you only knows the words us, we, more and hell yes! You should know by now that those who say yes are the happiest. These people are not manipulators in no shape or fashion, they only believe in loving on their person. The word no is a negative and with that comes problems and issues that should not be allowed in the home.

Let's get this out here right now! Women are just as sexual or more sexual than men. They were taught to not show their true appetite for sex. Now that the times have changed women are letting it go, but not to just anyone. Women are trusting that the ones they choose to be with and the one that promised to love only her gets to see the true H.E.R! She will allow you to experience the woman she truly is, and she hopes that you can deal with it, except it and appreciate the fact that she wants to experience all the naughty behaviors she wants to share with you! Real men get it! Real men want it! Real men know how to make her feel special, loved and cared for. Real men will welcome her ability to want to sexually satisfy you to the fullest. She wants to be your peace, she wants to be your joy, she wants to be your partner in life and above all else she wants to be your freak if you will have her, respect her, love on her, protect her, admire her strength and beauty. Everything you desire from a woman is right in front of your face if you only accept her as your true Queen! There is nothing and I mean nothing like being in a relationship with a real woman. When you're in tune with each other sometimes when she is not around you can smell her scent, she will smile while walking to her car because she is thinking about you. Sometimes just the thought of you will make her wet wherever she is and admit it or not your wood will get a little jumpy while you are thinking about her. This is real adult shit right here! Some men will never get to experience this type of connection because they are still trying to hit everything moving not realizing that everything you desire is right there wanting to show you what a real woman is, but she can't because you are moving foul, you are trying to be the King to undeserving bitches.

Adult sexual satisfaction starts in the mind of your lover. Notice I did not mention money, houses or cars? Notice I did not mention what someone can do for the other monetarily? This has nothing to do with anything other than opening up to be sexually satisfied and trusted by your lover. If any of these things I just mentioned is a prerequisite on how you will sexually satisfy your person than you will never be happy because the things that matter to you are not organic, your thoughts are materialistic and vague. Your ability to make yourself happy is being overlooked. If making your man happy in returns makes you happy it's a win and the same goes for him. When a man is excited by your presence it will show and vice versa. At the end of the day, it's all about love and your perceptions of it, but true love is the ability to be allowed to open up sexually and not be judged by your lover. Also know that over here, we ain't on no BS! Keep it straight with no chaser ya dig? WSY?

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