With titles such as The Water, The Love of My Life, Loyalty, Oral Sex, and others, H.E.R. was created to illustrate just how much we appreciate our women, our queens.
H.E.R. begins by uplifting women and showing just how important and valuable they really are to society. From the way they think to their dedication and loyalty, it's all captured in H.E.R.
The chapter titled "Oral Sex" portrays the ways in which men love and respect their women and "I Can't See H.E.R." addresses why it's so important to just ask women questions. In addition, "Sista Girl" empowers women to keep the peace during difficult times.
In this book, Robert takes you on a journey that encompasses love, respect, beauty, and more.

Robert Taylor, Jr. is back uplifting women in his new book H.E.R.
In this literary mix of feminine empowerment, Robert dares to enter the minds of women and speak on their behalf as well as try to understand some of the things women do in their quest to be taken seriously by their male counterparts.
Robert believes that women have the power to change society for the better by first changing themselves. Robert filled this book with passion, respect, loyalty, and love. Get ready to sweat and change positions in your seats as Robert takes you on a faithful, encouraging, and naughty ride.